Ferrochrome - Wikipedia
Ferrochrome production is essentially a carbothermic reduction operation taking place at high temperatures. Chromite (an oxide of Cr and Fe) is reduced by coal and coke to form the iron-chromium alloy. The heat for this reaction can come from several forms, but typically from the electric arc formed between the tips of electrodes in the bottom of the furnace and the furnace hearth. This arc creates temperatures of about 2,800 °C (5,070 °F). In the process of smelting,
consulter en ligneFerrochrome SpringerLink
2023.6.8 The production methods of high-carbon ferrochrome mainly include blast furnace method and submerged arc furnace method. The raw materials used are chrome ore,
consulter en ligneFerrochrome - an overview ScienceDirect Topics
Ferrochrome production is essentially a high-temperature carbothermic reduction operation. Chrome ore (an oxide of chromium and iron) is reduced by coke (and coal) to form the
consulter en ligneMechanism of the Direct Reduction of Chromite Process as a Clean ...
Direct reduction of chromite (DRC) is a promising alternative process for ferrochrome production with the potential to significantly reduce energy consumption and greenhouse
consulter en ligneHigh Carbon Ferrochrome Technology - ScienceDirect
2013.1.1 High carbon ferrochrome is one of the most common ferroalloys produced and is almost exclusively used in the production of stainless steel and high chromium steels.
consulter en ligneSimulation-based life cycle assessment of ferrochrome smelting ...
2021.5.1 Simulation based life cycle assessment of ferrochrome production demonstrated. •. Estimation of greenhouse gas emissions for two ferrochrome smelting
consulter en ligneMetals Free Full-Text Direct Production of
2017.12.20 Ferrochromium, which is a critical alloy in the production of stainless steel and high-alloying ferritic steel [ 1 ], has been produced worldwide by carbothermic smelting reduction of chromite in submerged electric arc
consulter en ligneProduction of Ferro-Chrome - IspatGuru
2018.7.10 Ferro-chrome (Fe-Cr) alloy is essential for the production of stainless steel and special steels which are widely used and are of high quality, typically characterized by a high corrosion resistance and a low tendency to
consulter en ligneIR presentation - Outokumpu
Chrome is the most important raw material used in stainless steel production. Outokumpu has its own chrome mine and ferrochrome works and this makes us uniquely self-sufficient.
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