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  • GPoC 2022 Global Powers of Construction - Deloitte US

    Global Powers of Construction analyzes the outlook for the construction industry worldwide and discusses the strategies and performance of the most representative listed global

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  • Global Construction 2030 - GI Hub

    2017.5.17  The benchmark global study - the fourth in a series from Global Construction Perspectives and Oxford Economics - shows average global construction growth of 3.9% pa

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  • 2021 Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction

    2021.10.19  Developed by the Global Alliance of Buildings and Construction (GlobalABC), the report tracks the buildings and construction sector progress towards meeting the Paris

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  • Global Powers of Construction 2020 - Deloitte

    2021.7.23  The Global Powers of Construction 2020 (GPoC) report ranks the top 100 global construction companies based on sales, and the top 30 companies based on market

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  • The Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (GlobalABC)

    Founded at COP21, hosted by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and with 290 members, including 41 countries, the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction

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  • Six trends shaping the future of the global construction industry

    2023.10.26  The global construction industry is currently confronting several headwinds that are shaping its trajectory. These challenges stem from a complex interplay of economic

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  • Global Powers of Construction 2019 Deloitte Guatemala

    Este informe clasifica a las 100 principales empresas de construcción (el ‘Top 100’) a nivel mundial, en función de las ventas, y a las 30 principales empresas, en función de la

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  • Global Powers of Construction 2021 - Deloitte

    2022.7.21  Explore the key strategies, drivers, and current economic situation of the construction industry globally. Despite the impact of the pandemic and the shift in global

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